The Stone Vigil

The Stone Vigil

Level 41


Coerthas Central Highlands (X:7, Y:11)

In Pursuit of the Past

One of four watchtowers built along the Sea of Clouds by the city-state of Ishgard, the Stone Vigil was overrun and occupied by the Dravanian Horde not long after the Calamity. The following years have seen the knights of House Durendaire make several attempts at reclaiming the fortress, but to no avail. What could it be that thwarts their every effort?  



Chudo-Yudo serves as the initial boss in the dungeon, possessing formidable breath attacks that all players, except for the tank, should steer clear of. To minimize risk, a recommended tactic involves positioning the tank in front of Chudo-Yudo, while the remaining party members stay behind the dragon throughout the encounter. By avoiding the breath attacks altogether, the fight should prove relatively easy. Notably, the boss has three distinct abilities: "Rake," which deals minimal instant melee damage, "Lion's Breath," an impactful breath attack that inflicts Burns on its targets, and "Swinge," a frontal area-of-effect cone attack that inflicts Silence and Pacification debuffs for 5 seconds on affected targets.


Koshchei, the second dragon boss of The Stone Vigil, underwent significant updates in patch 6.1. These updates modified the shape and appearance of the arena and made the mechanics more consistent with the game's conventions since the dungeon's release. The main mechanic of this fight is called Typhoon, which requires players to reposition into safe zones to avoid tornadoes that move in straight lines down the arena, causing moderate damage to anyone caught in their path. The tornadoes move slowly and avoiding them is relatively simple. It is important for returning players to be aware that the updates to this fight have greatly simplified the battle. Other abilities of Koshchei include Spiked Tail, which is a tankbuster that party members should avoid, and Sonic Storm, a circular AoE targeted on a random party member that players should dodge. Typhoon also spawns three whirlwinds at the back of the arena initially and four thereafter. Players should move to an empty lane to avoid the whirlwinds during the first cast and then strategically position themselves in front of stationary whirlwinds during subsequent casts to create safe spaces. The order in which the whirlwinds move is random, so players need to pay attention to react accordingly.


Isgebind is the final boss of The Stone Vigil and the fight was revamped for patch 6.1, although not as extensively as the battle with Koshchei. This icy dragon has powerful breath attacks and massive AoE capabilities. Non-tank party members should avoid standing in front of the dragon to avoid its breath attacks. During the fight, Isgebind will take flight and a strip of the room will glow with an icy blue light. After a few seconds, Isgebind will fly over the area and use its frost breath, causing damage to players caught in the area and inflicting the debuff Frostbite. Squishier players should be cautious as they can be instantly killed by this attack. Players should stand near the middle and be prepared to run toward one side to avoid the frost breath. However, when Isgebind returns to the arena, players should move out of the center to avoid being squished by its Touchdown attack. It is important to avoid the glowy blue areas when they appear to prevent damage. One major change in patch 6.1 is that the AoE from Sheets of Ice no longer persists, allowing parties to be more mobile and dodge Cauterize without being affected by Sheets of Ice placement. Isgebind has several abilities including Rime Wreath, Frost Breath, Sheet of Ice, Cauterize, and Touchdown. Rime Wreath damages all players, Frost Breath is a frontal cone AoE attack, Sheet of Ice targets a random player and inflicts the debuff Frostbite, Cauterize turns a third of the room blue and causes damage and Frostbite to all targets in the area, and Touchdown deals damage to nearby players when Isgebind crashes to the ground.
